A life of a less than perfect 30 Something.




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Totally Awkward Tuesday

Well it’s that time of the week again when I’m going to share my TAT moment.
As many of you who read my blog (not that there are many of you!) you will know that I am madly in love with my wonderful boyfriend Kevin. Anyway on to TAT day. I was going to share my Tat moment with Kevin’s mum today but i’ll leave you with that one next week before I head off to Salou for 11 days. Here’s this weeks.

About two and a half years ago, not long after Kevin and I had started going out, we were at his house one Saturday evening after having been out for a few drinks with friends. We didn’t have much time as my lift home would soon be arriving and being a little tipsy we were fooling around as you do. Making out on his settee.
Now Kevin’s folks have a chime thingy on their door, just so that they know who is coming and going through the day if they’re home. His mum was already in bed and his dad was down at the club with his buddies. “He’ll be ages yet”. Kevin whispered.

So we carried on making out, one thing lead to another and well you can imagine what happened next.So there we were, pants round ankles etc….suddenly we hear the door chime, like music to one’s ears. We began a mad dash round the small living room to put on our clothes and make ourselves look respectable…we managed to get ourselves straight just in time before his dad walked into the living room. I’m sure he knew what we had been up to….I couldn’t look at him for a month after that.

20 Questions

1. What is your favorite physical characteristic in the opposite sex?
I love a nice friendly smile. I look at their eyes too. I’m a sucker for big brown eyes and a cheeky smile. That’s what attracted me to Kev.

2. What is the first TV show you remember watching as a child?
I always remember saturday evening with The Dukes of Hazzard and eating tea whilst watching it.

3. What is your favorite quotable line from a movie?
my favorite movie quote is: “Have fun, that’s what your twenties are for. Your thirties are for learning the lessons and your forties? Are for paying for the drinks.” (Carrie Bradshaw in the S&TC movie)

4. What is your favorite kind of sandwich?
Cheddar and lancashire cheese with chopped spring onion, beef and horseradish sauce. Chicken and Bacon. BLT. Too many to mention really. I’d be here all day.

5. How old were you when you got your first kiss?
I think it might have been with some French lad on the french exchange in high school.

6. I don’t understand:
how anyone could ever intentionally harm a child.

7. Your opinion about love at first sight:
It’s not uncommon. I didn’t believe in it at first but now I guess I do.

8. How does it make you feel when you hear people argue?

9. Have you ever fallen for someone who turned out to be nothing like they seemed?
Yes and it turned out to be for the best in the end because I’d never have met my lovely Kevin if I’d stayed with that knob of an ex.

10. Do you mind sharing the food that is on your plate with someone?
Hell Yeah. But If they asked if they could try some then I wouldn’t mind.

11. Somewhere, somebody is asking him- or herself whatever happened to you. Who is it?
I would like to think it will be someone I knew back when I was fortunate enough to visit my aunt in CA whose name was Ryan.

12. How did your car get that little scratch/dent?
I don’t recall that moment.

13. Would you rather get up early or sleep in?
If I’m off at the weekend then I’d sleep in. Which is what I’ll be doing this sunday as I’m not working until 1pm.

14. Last person to leave you a comment?
I don’t recall anyone leaving me one 😦

15. Who out of your friends has the next birthday coming up?
I have my mom’s brithday next week and then I’d probably say Hayley’s.

16. What is your favorite Disney movie?
Jungle Book or Bambi

17. In what position do you sleep?
Mainly on my right side if I’m in my own bed. If I’m in Kevin’s bed then my left side.

18. How long does it take you to get out of bed in the morning?
It depends, some mornings I jump out as soon as the alarm goes off and others I’ll wake up before the alarm and lie there until it does.

19. What do you have for a ring tone?
I change My ringtone on a regular basis. At the moment though it’s Lady Gaga’s Poker Face.

20. What scent is the air freshener in your bathroom?
Clean Linen – Yankee Candle

TAT Tuesday

Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Totally Awkward Tuesday
After reading Tova’s recent blog about totally awkward tuesday’s I decided to give it a go from my own perspective. So here’s my totally awkward tuesday moment for this week. I don’t recall it being a particulary funny story but here goes.

I remember being in the 5th grade at primary (thats elementary school for my american readers)and going on a week’s trip to Pwhelli in North Wales. It was something of a school ritual and every year the 5th graders would go on this trip. There was around 40 of us on the trip. 20 boys and 20 girls. All sharing one block of chalets. They were quite run down when we got there and a bit dirty so none of us really wanted to stay but we had no choice and began unpacking. The girls stayed in the lower row and the boys on the top. After a couple of days being there we had to go up to our teacher’s chalet for our spending money and seeing that the only way past was via the boys chalets.

There were four boys, all of whom I had a little bit of a crush on the trip. They didn’t know this however and as I walked past boy one’s chalet (let’s just call him Kev D), imagine my embarrassment when he was coming out of his bathroom in nothing but his boxers. I went bright red and my three friends saw this and proceeded to taunt me for the the remainder of the trip. They later found out that I had a crush on Kev D and wouldn’t let it lie.

Then a couple of months later, it had come to the end of our time at School, the school dance upon us. Everyone was there and that included Kev D. My friends were acting strangely and I was soon to discover why. The night wore on and soon it was time for the slow dancing and everyone except myself and Kev D found themselves with a dancing partner. When Kev came over to ask me to dance I said “No thanks. I’m ok.”
At the end of the night Kev came over to me and asked me if I fancied him. I didn’t know what to say and looked away awkwardly, seeing my friends giggling in the corner of the school hall.

I must say that I am glad that we went our seperate ways and headed off to different High Schools. I have never seen Kev D since that night and don’t suppose I will see him again. I have never forgiven my friends for telling him and I don’t think I ever will.

Salou Bound

It’s almost here…in 24 days time and at this exact time, I will have arrived at Reus airport and will be on my way to the Calypso hotel for our 11 night stay in Salou. Whoooo Hoooo!!!!!

The Calypso entrance






View from the Al Fresco Bar

View from the Al Fresco Bar

Wembley Again!

Me and My Lovely Kev at Wembley

Me and My Lovely Kev at Wembley

Wembley Outing

The Clarets Mascot

The Clarets Mascot

Down Wembley Way

Down Wembley Way

Nearly 2-0!

Nearly 2-0!

Kevin and Ian with Bobby Moore Statue

Kevin and Ian with Bobby Moore Statue

20 Questions

1. If you could have given any one piece of advice to yourself when you were a child, what would it be? Be yourself and do whatever you want to do for yourself and no-one else.

2. Who was the last person you flirted with? My lovely boyfriend Kevin.

3. Top 5 things you would want to have–necessities are provided–if you were to be stranded alone for a year: An endless supply of books/more magazine/heat, a new laptop with wireless connection so i could keep in touch with friends and family. Vodafone unlimited text messages and my cell phone. Plenty of mineral water/diet coke and some lambert

4. What are three things that comfort you? My bed and blankie, snuggles from kevin. listening to soothing music.

5. Name something that you find completely overrated: This credit crunch, subo and lost.

6. How often do you read your own blog archives? Probably once a month.

7. If you had to, could you live the entire summer without running your home’s air conditioning? We don’t have air conditioning, in Blighty we don’t really need it as it doesn’t get too hot. So probably yeah.

8. Who was the last person that left you a comment? Kathryn

9. What is the temperature outside? last I checked about 23 degrees which is hot for june and blighty!

10. Randomly click on a song from your playlist. What’s the first line of that song?
I’d have to cheat a little here….If I lay here.

11. What do you plan on naming your baby girl? Claire or Josie

12. Your baby boy? Jack, Ethan or Kevin Mark

13. What is the hardest secret you’ve ever had to keep? If I told you it wouldn’t be anymore.

14. How old were you when you started school? I think I was 5 when I started in Mrs Shields reception class.

15. What is your favorite section of the supermarket? Toss up between the freezer section and the electonics/clothing section.

16. What was your high school teams mascot and what were the school’s colors? I don’t recall us having a school mascot but colours were red/blue/navy, white and grey.

17. Does the weather have a very large impact on your moods? Sometimes yes.

18. Would you break up with someone if you thought they were too arrogant? It would depend on how arrogant he was and if I loved him. But Kev’s not an arrogant person and we’re talking about you know what…”Watch this space!”

19. Is it better to be single or in a relationship? I prefer relationship. Kev makes me feel special, he’s not all that much of a romantic, but i love him just as he is. When you’re in a relationship its far better to have some away time from each other, go out with the girls/guys etc. Do girly things with the girls.

20. What is your favorite word? I don’t think I have one.

Random Things

1) current candle scents:
Clean Cotton, Macintosh.

2) what i am currently reading:
I have just finished |Going the Distance|

3) newest music i added my playlist:
I have a few songs to add to my ipod.

4) movies i saw:
Wolverine and Night at The Museum 2…

5) something yummy i made this month:
Cheesy Tomato pasta with bacon.

6) the last place i ate out:
Queen Vic

7) something that made me cry:
I can’t say that there has been anything to make me cry really. I suppose finally getting my ticket to Wembley did make me a little bit weepy and emotionalish.

8) something that made me laugh:
Watching Benidorm last night.

9) something i am looking forward to this month:
Hopefully going away at the end of the month with Kevin for ten days.

10) something i am thankful for:
My car

11) something i want to remember about this month:
Saving up to pay for my holiday…

Kevin and Mark

The Boys on Holiday in Salou Last Year.

The Boys on Holiday in Salou Last Year.

Kevin and Mark on Easter Bank Holidaykev n markkev v mark 2My fella Kevin and  his brother Mark (At least Kev has hair Lol)