A life of a less than perfect 30 Something.


Random Monday Ramble

1) current candle scents:
Clean Cotton, Midnight Cove. French Vanilla

2) what i am currently reading:
A Man Called It.

3) newest music i added my playlist:
Rick Springfield – Jessie’s Girl. U2, Angel of Harlem.Jordin Spark, No Air. Enrique Iglesias, Taking back my Love.

4) movies i saw:
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

5) something yummy i made this month:
I haven’t.

6) the last place i ate out:
Does Top Taster’s chicken fillet burger count?

7) something that made me cry:
Kevin buying me my engagement ring and then Pinky putting it up on the big screen in the pub!

8) something that made me laugh:
Steph throwing piles of clothes at Hayley in delivery this morning.

9) something i looked forward to this month:
Getting engaged to my wonderful Boyfriend Kevin.

10) something i am thankful for:
My job and my wonderful Fiance.

11) something i want to remember about this month:
reading this quote from Judy Garland: “Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.” That it was the best month of the year so far. Because Kevin proposed to me.

Twenty Random Questions

1. Where did you go on your first airplane ride?
That would have to be when I was 18months old on a Dan Air flight to Caspoggio with my mum and dad and god-parents.

2. What is your earliest memory?
The very same trip to caspoggio and having to wear my Paddington Wellies because the boots weren’t small enough to fit me, then losing it in the snow. Uncle Fred bringing it back up the ski-lift.

3. What was your second grade teacher’s name?
Miss Castle.

4. What was the last thing you watched on tv?
How Clean is your House? On now.

5. My uncle once:
Got a Pea stuck up his nose when he was little!

6. How long was your longest relationship?
The relationship I’m in now with Kevin. We’ve been together nearly three years, have just got engaged and I love him to bits!

7. What do you want to be?
healthy. kind. generous. gentle. gracious. lovable. oh & let’s throw cute in there too.

8. What was the last thing you received in the mail?
My car tax.

9. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
All the war and fighting, especially Afganistan and Iraq. The terror threats.

10. Would you prefer 10 inches of snow or 100 degree weather?
I really don’t mind snow. And I’ve experienced temperatures of 100 degrees plus so it doesn’t bother me.

11. What is your homepage set to?
It was set to my igoogle but now its just google.

12. Last 5 websites you visited:
obviously blogger, facebook, vodafone, virgin, yahoo and my bank.

13. Were you a planned baby?
I think so yes. Even if my mum and dad did wait 7 years before they had me!!!

14. What do you believe is the meaning of life?
I honestly don’t know.

15. What bill do you hate paying the most?
All of them, bloody all of them. If had to pick one though, that would be my credit card.

16. How many schools did you attend through grade twelve?

17. The Cosby Show or The Simpsons?
I love them both.

18. Three signs Summer is here:
1. The fit men all come out. Air-conditioning. The rain.

19. The last time you had your feelings hurt:
About two weeks ago. I won’t go into it because I’ll only end up getting upset.

20. Who was your first best friend?
A girl called Cassie in Nursery school. I don’t have a clue where she is now, but I still see her mum driving round in her jeep.

Random Tuesday Ramble

At work we have one of those desktop calendars where you can tear each day off, each page has random phrases and sayings on it. Here’s a few of my favourites from the last couple of days.

“If at first you don’t succeed, ask yourself “Why?”
The only really dumb questions are the ones you do not have the courage to ask.

Next up is a list of my favourite man candy, including Television, models etc. I’d include pictures of them but don’t have pictures of some…so you’ll have to do without.

1. My wonderful Fiance (obviously number one.)
2. George Lamb – Presenter of Big Brother’s Little Brother
3. Ed Westwick – Chuck Bass from Gossip Girl
4. Wentworth Miller – Prison Break’s Michael.
5. Alex Zane – Television Presenter
6. Dev Patel – Skins and Slumdog Millionaire
7. Matt Di Angelo – Hustle
8. Shia La Beouf – Transformers
9. Tom Welling – Smallville, Twilight.
10.James Sutton – Ryan from Emmerdale.
11.Paxton Gibbons – Male Model.

I’m engaged to be married!

Kevin bought me this on saturday. We decided that we would go and choose it together as I think its more romantic choosing your engagement rings together. Kevin decided on a simple silver band with small zirconias in it. But dont go congratulating us yet as its not official until 8 august. That’s when kevin is going to propose properly. I cant wait until i can tell the world that we are engaged! I am so happy!

My Ring

Bank Holiday Ideas

London Eye

London Eye

Kevin is off for the August Bank Holiday…any suggestions welcome for a week away. London is not an option as it’s too busy. We want somewhere quiet and relaxing so that we can just chill out and spend some time together.

Thursday 23 July 2009 – RAR

Random Thursday Ramblings

Well It’s been exactly a week now since Kevin and I returned from sunny Salou, and quite frankly I can’t wait to go back. If I could (and assuming I had £1m or £500.000), I would jack in my job right now and tell Kevin to do the same. I’d take us both out to Salou and book us into the Calypso for 6 months. Ok, maybe for the rest of the season. When the season ends, I’d find us a nice little apartament to rent until christmas. Then we’d come back here for Christmas and New year, only to head back out again to Salou to wait until the season begins again. It would be amazing to have that amount of money and just spend a year or two travelling round Spain and seeing sights that I have not seen there before. If Kevin didn’t want to do it then I’d do it on my own. I’d love to travel America too. Just the thought of being able to visit New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Memphis, amongst other places. I’d also fly out to Hong Kong and spend a couple of days there before heading out to Melbourne to surprise my nan and auntie by just turning up on their doorstep.

After a month staying with my nan and auntie, I’d fly us both up to Sydney to visit Susie, Caroline and Christina. We’d stay there a month and then I’d come back down with then and stay a couple of weeks with Uncle Edward, Nichola, Joshua and Caitlin.
Then it would be off to New Zealand to sample the Fjords. Finally flying to Los Angeles or San Diego to visit Aunt Elsie and Uncle Adrian for a couple of weeks before finally returning home to Kevin.

For some people this is a reality…but for me it is just a dream. A very nice dream.

Silly Randon Questions

Silly Random Questions

1. First Wage Packet
My first proper wage was £15 for 5 hours working on a saturday night at my local chinese restaurant.

2. Fantasy Job
Probably as a holiday rep in Salou or just working there doing anything for 6months of the year.

3. What Gets under your skin?
People who call me and if I don’t answer they wont leave a voicemail. My boss asking me at the last minute if I can work extra.

4.What would I do with £1million?
Pay off all my bills, take myself and my wonderful boyfriend on a 6month holiday back to Salou. Buy us both a house. Give some to my family and maybe some to charity.
Spend the rest on myself and my boyfriend.

5. Ultimate dinner guests?
David Beckham,Ben Stiller and Cheryl Cole. Paris Hilton. Tanni Grey-Thomson
6. No expenses day out.
Flying down to London and having a facial, haircut, beauty treatment etc. Spending spree. Then dinner at the Ivy and watching a show.

7. Last Holiday destination?
Salou on the Costa Dorada. I love it there now and can’t wait until we go back. If I had the money or I could get a job there then I would!

8. Last film I saw?
Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince.

9. All time sporting Hero?
I’d probably have to say Tanni Grey-Thomson, because like my boyfriend she was born with Spina Bifida, although hers is the full blown version which explains why she is now in a wheelchair. My other half has the occulta type which means that although he has the scar on his back to prove it, he shows no other visible signs of having it. I think that she has proved that you don’t have to be paralysed or have no use of your limbs to achieve success. Also the squad of Burnley FC, they have shown that they have what it takes to be able to play against the likes of Arsenal, Chelsea and Manchester United by winning the Play off’s at Wembley and gaining promotion to the Premiership.

July’s 20 Questions

Monday, 20 July 2009

1. If you had to could you take a vow of silence for 48 hours?
If I had to then yes I think I could….assuming I was not in work.

2. What is your favorite kind of soup?
Chicken and Sweetcorn or Hot n Sour

3. How often do you cut your hair?
Probably every 6 – 12 Weeks.

4. If you had to could you do your own income taxes? And have them be correct?
If I had to yes.

5. What is your method to reading a magazine?
Flick through to the interesting articles first. Then start at the front and slowly read from cover to cover, pulling out anything of interest.

6. How many magazines do you subscribe to?
None at the moment….I’d love to subscribe to digital photography magazine and company.

7. What is/was your paternal grandfather’s name?

8. And your maternal grandfather’s name?

9. I know I’m tired when:
I lay on my bed with the telly on and wake up hours later when it’s light again outside.

10. What color(s) do you associate with Spring?
Green’s, Pastel Blues, Purples(lilac, lavender), Yellows.

11. What color are your eyes? Did you inherit them from or pass them on to anyone in your family?
My eyes are brown, my mum’s are brown, as were my mum’s dad and also my nanna’s. My dad dad has blue eyes, my other nanna has brown eyes. So i guess they have been inherited from two nanna’s and my grandad. I haven’t passed them on to anyone yet.

12. What do you have in your glove compartment?
A mini first aid kit, phone charger. Junk. Petrol receipts,cd’s. a pair of manky leather gloves. some old sunglasses. pens.

13. Who are you in 6 words?
Easy-going, funny, outgoing, emotional, happy,bubbly.

14. What is your favorite current tv drama?
I don’t think I have one at the moment…probably Heroes.

15. Who do you think is NOT funny, but others think IS funny?
Family Guy.

16. Three things you’ve been meaning to do, but haven’t gotten around to yet:
Re-organise the crap under my bed and put my old shelves back up. Read all of my harry potter books in one sitting!

17. What is your noodle of choice?
Pot Noodle.

18. What commercial are you so sick of?
Anchor Butter!!!

19. If you gave birth today to octuplets (OMG!) and had sole naming rights, what would you name them? You can assume four of each sex, or make your own mix-up.
Ethan Jake. James Owen, Kevin Hawil,Susan Elizabeth, Lewis John, Kelly Amanda. Shamiran Danielle.Helen Louise.

20. Is there something hanging over your head that you need to do right now?
Find a new JOB!!!!!!

Some Holiday Snaps

Me and My Lovely Kevin

Me and Kevin again

The Beach - packed as usual




Well I’m finally back from Salou and wish I was still there. I’ve left the sunshine and the heat to come back to gloomy, damp weather. Although it was quite nice when it brightened up after tea. Here’s a few snaps from our holiday. I think if I won the lottery I’d take us back out to Salou for six months of sunshine.
Me on our 1st day with no tan as you can see!