A life of a less than perfect 30 Something.

July’s 20 Questions

Monday, 20 July 2009

1. If you had to could you take a vow of silence for 48 hours?
If I had to then yes I think I could….assuming I was not in work.

2. What is your favorite kind of soup?
Chicken and Sweetcorn or Hot n Sour

3. How often do you cut your hair?
Probably every 6 – 12 Weeks.

4. If you had to could you do your own income taxes? And have them be correct?
If I had to yes.

5. What is your method to reading a magazine?
Flick through to the interesting articles first. Then start at the front and slowly read from cover to cover, pulling out anything of interest.

6. How many magazines do you subscribe to?
None at the moment….I’d love to subscribe to digital photography magazine and company.

7. What is/was your paternal grandfather’s name?

8. And your maternal grandfather’s name?

9. I know I’m tired when:
I lay on my bed with the telly on and wake up hours later when it’s light again outside.

10. What color(s) do you associate with Spring?
Green’s, Pastel Blues, Purples(lilac, lavender), Yellows.

11. What color are your eyes? Did you inherit them from or pass them on to anyone in your family?
My eyes are brown, my mum’s are brown, as were my mum’s dad and also my nanna’s. My dad dad has blue eyes, my other nanna has brown eyes. So i guess they have been inherited from two nanna’s and my grandad. I haven’t passed them on to anyone yet.

12. What do you have in your glove compartment?
A mini first aid kit, phone charger. Junk. Petrol receipts,cd’s. a pair of manky leather gloves. some old sunglasses. pens.

13. Who are you in 6 words?
Easy-going, funny, outgoing, emotional, happy,bubbly.

14. What is your favorite current tv drama?
I don’t think I have one at the moment…probably Heroes.

15. Who do you think is NOT funny, but others think IS funny?
Family Guy.

16. Three things you’ve been meaning to do, but haven’t gotten around to yet:
Re-organise the crap under my bed and put my old shelves back up. Read all of my harry potter books in one sitting!

17. What is your noodle of choice?
Pot Noodle.

18. What commercial are you so sick of?
Anchor Butter!!!

19. If you gave birth today to octuplets (OMG!) and had sole naming rights, what would you name them? You can assume four of each sex, or make your own mix-up.
Ethan Jake. James Owen, Kevin Hawil,Susan Elizabeth, Lewis John, Kelly Amanda. Shamiran Danielle.Helen Louise.

20. Is there something hanging over your head that you need to do right now?
Find a new JOB!!!!!!

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